Product List

Extract residues(coal), benzole fraction alk., acid ext.
Extract residues (coal), tar oil alk., naphthalene distn. residues
Extract residues (coal), naphthalene oil, alk., naphthalene-low
Extract residues (coal), naphthalene oil alk., distn. overheads
Extract residues (coal), liquefaction light oil, neutral fraction
Extract residues (coal), light oil alk., indene fraction, Friedel-Crafts reaction products with nonylphenol
Extract residues (coal), light oil alk., indene fraction, Friedel-Crafts reaction products with cresols
Extract residues (coal), light oil alk., indene fraction, Friedel-Crafts reaction products with 4-ethenylphenol
Extract residues (coal), light oil alk., acid ext., indene fraction
Extract residues (coal), gasification, neutral fraction
Extract residues (coal), creosote oil acid
Extract residues (coal), brown
Extract residues (coal tar), light oil alk., indene naphtha fraction
Extract oils (coal),naphthalene oils
Extract oils (coal),coal tar-residual pyrolysis oils, naphthalene oil, distn. residues
Extract oils (coal),coal tar-residual pyrolysis oils, naphthalene oil
Extract oils (coal),acidic, tar-base free
Extract oils (coal), tar base
Extract oils (coal), light oil
Extract of wild cherry
Extract of white lily
Extract of valerian
Extract of sunflower
Extract of rhubarb root
Extract of primula
Extract of linden
Extract of hypericum
Extract of fenugreek
Extracellular superoxide dismutase (cu-ZN) human
Extracellular small peptide precursor (Lactobacillus sakei sakei strain23K)
Extracellular signal-related kinase 3 (Rattus norvegicus gene ERK3)
Extracellular signal regulated kinase (human gene ERK6)
Extracellular invertase (Triticum monococcum gene exin1)
Extracellular calcium-sensing receptor (Sparus aurata gene casrprecursor)
Extracellular alpha-amylase amyA/amyB-Aspergillus niger (Aspergillusniger strain CBS 513.88 clone An05c0060 gene amyA)
Extracellular alginate lyase (Pseudoalteromonas elyakovii strainIAM14594 strain IAM 14594 gene aly)
Extra sex combs gene product
Extosin 1a (Danio rerio gene ext1a)
Extensin 5 (Arabidopsis thaliana gene Ext5)
Extensin 4 (Arabidopsis thaliana gene Ext4)
Extensin 3 (Arabidopsis thaliana gene Ext3)
Extensin 2 (Arabidopsis thaliana strain Columbia gene Ext2)
Extensin (tomato strain Moneymaker gene ext1)
Extensin (tomato strain Moneymaker gene Dif54)
Extensin (tomato strain Moneymaker gene Dif10 fragment)
Extensin (tobacco clone NtExt1.4 gene Ext1.4)
Extensin (synthetic Nicotiana benthamiana signal peptide) fusionproduct with aprotinin [52-valine] (cattle)
Extensin (synthetic Nicotiana benthamiana signal peptide) fusionproduct with aprotinin [52-leucine] (cattle clone pLSB1820)
Extensin (synthetic Nicotiana benthamiana signal peptide) fusionproduct with aprotinin [52-glutamine] (cattle clone pLSB1819)
Extensin (synthetic Nicotiana benthamiana signal peptide) fusionproduct with aprotinin (cattle clone pLSB2602)
