510-15-6 structure, C16H14Cl2O3






Basic Info

Chlorobenzilate is a pesticide that is not currently used in the USA or Europe. It was originally developed by Ciba-Geigy and introduced in 1952. It was used as an acaricide against mites on citrus trees, including deciduous fruit trees. It has been detected as a residue on tomatoes found in Japanese markets in 2005. It is a non-systemic pesticide that works through contact and as a neurotoxin: it disrupts the functioning of the nervous system.
In the pure state, chlorobenzilate is a colorless to pale yellow solid, but the commercial product is a brownish liquid. It is only slightly soluble in water, but miscible with acetone, toluene and methanol.

Molecular Weight
Exact Mass






4,4'-dichloro-benzilic acid ethyl ester

ethyl 4-chloro-α-(4-chlorophenyl)-α-hydroxybenzeneacetate

ethyl 2-hydroxy-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)acetate





ethyl 2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2-hydroxyacetate


ethyl bis(4-chlorophenyl)hydroxyacetate

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Appearance & Physical State
1.332 g/cm3
Boiling Point
452.3ºC at 760 mmHg
Melting Point
Flash Point
Refractive Index
Stable. Combustible. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, strong acids, alkalies, lime.
Storage Condition

Safety Info

Safety Statements
S60; S61; S36/37; S24/25
Risk Statements
HS Code
UN 1593 6.1/PG 3
Hazard Codes


SDS 1.0
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According to Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) - Sixth revised edition

Version: 1.0

Creation Date: Aug 13, 2017

Revision Date: Aug 13, 2017


1.1 GHS Product identifier

Product name chlorobenzilate

1.2 Other means of identification

Product number -
Other names Akar

1.3 Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use

Identified uses For industry use only. Chlorobenzilate was primarily used as a nonsystemic pesticide in spider and mite control, usually against phytophagus mites on citrus and deciduous fruit trees. All uses have been canceled.)
Uses advised against no data available

1.4 Supplier's details

Company MOLBASE (Shanghai) Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Address Floor 4 & 5, Building 12, No. 1001 North Qinzhou Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai, China
Telephone +86(21)64956998
Fax +86(21)54365166

1.5 Emergency phone number

Emergency phone number +86-400-6021-666
Service hours Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm (Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +8 hours).

2.Hazard identification

2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture

Acute toxicity - Oral, Category 4

Hazardous to the aquatic environment, short-term (Acute) - Category Acute 1

Hazardous to the aquatic environment, long-term (Chronic) - Category Chronic 1

2.2 GHS label elements, including precautionary statements

Signal word


Hazard statement(s)

H302 Harmful if swallowed

H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects

Precautionary statement(s)

P264 Wash ... thoroughly after handling.

P270 Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.

P273 Avoid release to the environment.


P301+P312 IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER/doctor/…if you feel unwell.

P330 Rinse mouth.

P391 Collect spillage.




P501 Dispose of contents/container to ...

2.3 Other hazards which do not result in classification


3.Composition/information on ingredients

3.1 Substances

Chemical name Common names and synonyms CAS number EC number Concentration
chlorobenzilate chlorobenzilate 510-15-6 none 100%

4.First-aid measures

4.1 Description of necessary first-aid measures

General advice

Consult a physician. Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance.

If inhaled

Fresh air, rest. Refer for medical attention.

In case of skin contact

Remove contaminated clothes. Rinse and then wash skin with water and soap.

In case of eye contact

First rinse with plenty of water for several minutes (remove contact lenses if easily possible), then refer for medical attention.

If swallowed

Rinse mouth. Give one or two glasses of water to drink. Do NOT induce vomiting. Refer for medical attention .

4.2 Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed

SYMPTOMS: Symptoms of exposure to this compound include central nervous system stimulation, vomiting, diarrhea, paresthesia, excitement, giddiness, fatigue, tremors, convulsions, pulmonary edema, hypothermia, headache, loss of appetite muscular weakness, apprehensive mental state, myocardial toxicity, impotence, infertility and coma. It may also cause hyperexcitability, narcosis, central nervous system depression, kidney damage and liver damage. Other symptoms include muscle pains, ataxia, mild delirium and fever. It may also cause skin irritation. Testicular damage can occur. ACUTE/CHRONIC HAZARDS: This compound is moderately toxic by inhalation. It may be absorbed through the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and skin. It may cause irritation of the skin. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of chlorides.

4.3 Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed, if necessary

Skin decontamination. Wash skin with soap and water ... . Eye contamination should be removed by prolonged flushing of the eye with copious amounts of clean water or saline. If irritation persists, specialized medical treatment should be obtained.

5.Fire-fighting measures

5.1 Extinguishing media

Suitable extinguishing media

Use dry chemical, carbon dioxide, or alcohol foam extinguishers. Vapors are heavier than air and will collect in low areas. Vapors may travel long distances to ignition sources and flashback ...

5.2 Specific hazards arising from the chemical

Flash point data for this chemical are not available; however, it is probably combustible.

5.3 Special protective actions for fire-fighters

Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighting if necessary.

6.Accidental release measures

6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures

Use personal protective equipment. Avoid dust formation. Avoid breathing vapours, mist or gas. Ensure adequate ventilation. Evacuate personnel to safe areas. Avoid breathing dust. For personal protection see section 8.

6.2 Environmental precautions

Personal protection: P2 filter respirator for harmful particles. Do NOT let this chemical enter the environment. Sweep spilled substance into covered containers. If appropriate, moisten first to prevent dusting. Carefully collect remainder. Then store and dispose of according to local regulations.

6.3 Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up

SRP: Wastewater from contaminant suppression, cleaning of protective clothing/equipment, or contaminated sites should be contained and evaluated for subject chemical or decomposition product concentrations. Concentrations shall be lower than applicable environmental discharge or disposal criteria. Alternatively, pretreatment and/or discharge to a POTW is acceptable only after review by the governing authority. Due consideration shall be given to remediation worker exposure (inhalation, dermal and ingestion) as well as fate during treatment, transfer and disposal. If it is not practicable to manage the chemical in this fashion, it must meet Hazardous Material Criteria for disposal.

7.Handling and storage

7.1 Precautions for safe handling

Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid formation of dust and aerosols. Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use.Provide appropriate exhaust ventilation at places where dust is formed. For precautions see section 2.2.

7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities

Separated from food and feedstuffs, strong oxidants, bases and strong acids.PRECAUTIONS FOR "CARCINOGENS": Storage site should be as close as practicable to lab in which carcinogens are to be used, so that only small quantities required for ... expt need to be carried. Carcinogens should be kept in only one section of cupboard, an explosion-proof refrigerator or freezer (depending on chemicophysical properties ...) that bears appropriate label. An inventory ... should be kept, showing quantity of carcinogen & date it was acquired ... Facilities for dispensing ... should be contiguous to storage area. /Chemical Carcinogens/

8.Exposure controls/personal protection

8.1 Control parameters

Occupational Exposure limit values

no data available

Biological limit values

no data available

8.2 Appropriate engineering controls

Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday.

8.3 Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment (PPE)

Eye/face protection

Safety glasses with side-shields conforming to EN166. Use equipment for eye protection tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or EN 166(EU).

Skin protection

Wear impervious clothing. The type of protective equipment must be selected according to the concentration and amount of the dangerous substance at the specific workplace. Handle with gloves. Gloves must be inspected prior to use. Use proper glove removal technique(without touching glove's outer surface) to avoid skin contact with this product. Dispose of contaminated gloves after use in accordance with applicable laws and good laboratory practices. Wash and dry hands. The selected protective gloves have to satisfy the specifications of EU Directive 89/686/EEC and the standard EN 374 derived from it.

Respiratory protection

Wear dust mask when handling large quantities.

Thermal hazards

no data available

9.Physical and chemical properties

Colour Colorless solid (pure)
Odour no data available
Melting point/ freezing point 37ºC
Boiling point or initial boiling point and boiling range 452.3ºC at 760 mmHg
Flammability Combustible. Gives off irritating or toxic fumes (or gases) in a fire. Liquid formulations containing organic solvents may be flammable.
Lower and upper explosion limit / flammability limit no data available
Flash point 227.4ºC
Auto-ignition temperature no data available
Decomposition temperature no data available
pH no data available
Kinematic viscosity no data available
Solubility less than 0.1 mg/mL at 22.22°C
Partition coefficient n-octanol/water (log value) log Kow = 4.74
Vapour pressure 2.2e-06 mm Hg at 20°C
Density and/or relative density 1.332 g/cm3
Relative vapour density no data available
Particle characteristics no data available

10.Stability and reactivity

10.1 Reactivity

no data available

10.2 Chemical stability

Stable under recommended storage conditions.

10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions

This chemical may burn but does not easily ignite.CHLOROBENZILATE is hydrolyzed by alkalis and strong acids. Incompatible with lime .

10.4 Conditions to avoid

no data available

10.5 Incompatible materials

Strong acids , strong bases, lime.

10.6 Hazardous decomposition products

Emits toxic fumes of /hydrogen chloride/ when heated to decomposition.

11.Toxicological information

Acute toxicity

  • Oral: LD50 Rat oral 2784-3880 mg/kg
  • Inhalation: no data available
  • Dermal: LD50 Rabbit percutaneous >10,000 mg/kg

Skin corrosion/irritation

no data available

Serious eye damage/irritation

no data available

Respiratory or skin sensitization

no data available

Germ cell mutagenicity

no data available


The Carcinogen Assessment Group in EPA's Research and Development Office has evaluated ethyl 4,4-dichlorobenzilate for carcinogenicity. According to their analysis, the weight of evidence for ethyl 4,4-dichlorobenzilate is group B2, which is based on inadequate evidence in humans and sufficient evidence in animals. As a group B2 chemical, ethyl 4,4-dichlorobenzilate is considered a probable human carcinogen.

Reproductive toxicity

No information is available on the reproductive or developmental effects of chlorobenzilate in humans. Injury to the sperm and atrophy of the testes have been observed in rats exposed to chlorobenzilate in their diet. Teratogenic effects were not observed in the offspring of rats exposed to chlorobenzilate in the diet or in rabbits exposed by gavage.

STOT-single exposure

no data available

STOT-repeated exposure

no data available

Aspiration hazard

no data available

12.Ecological information

12.1 Toxicity

  • Toxicity to fish: LC50; Species: Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow trout, weight 0.8g); Conditions: freshwater, static, 13°C, pH 7.1, hardness 44 mg/L CaCO3; Concentration: 750 ug/L for 24 hr /95.5% purity, technical material
  • Toxicity to daphnia and other aquatic invertebrates: no data available
  • Toxicity to algae: no data available
  • Toxicity to microorganisms: no data available

12.2 Persistence and degradability

AEROBIC: The rate at which chlorobenzilate degrades in microbial growth media increases when citrate is incorporated(1). This may be due to a reductive decarboxylation process that the citrate stimulates(1). The half-life of chlorobenzilate in two fine sandy soils was estimated to be 1.5-5 weeks following application of 0.5-1.0 ppm; removal was probably microbial(2). It is decarboxylated to 4,4'-dichlorobenzophenone by a yeast isolated from insecticide treated soil under anaerobic conditions(3,4). In 22 days, 40, 29, and 39% of the (14)C-ring-labeled chlorobenzilate added to sediment-free water samples from 3 fresh water lakes was converted to organic products; no (14)CO2 evolution was detected(5). Addition of sediment to the water samples from the three lakes gave (14)CO2 yields 3.6, 0.0, and 18.3%(5). Chlorobenzilate was metabolized in water from another freshwater lake only when glucose and inorganic nutrients were added and mineralized to (14)CO2 only when sediment was also added to the water(5). Chlorobenzilate, present at 100 mg/L, reached 0% of its theoretical BOD in 4 weeks using an activated sludge inoculum at 30 mg/L in the Japanese MITI test(6). Half-lives for chlorobenzilate in Lukang silty clay loam and Pincheng clay ranged from 15.1 days at 10°C to 10.8 days at 25°C; and 169.1 days at 10°C to 29.5 days at 25°C, respectively(7).

12.3 Bioaccumulative potential

Measured BCF values for carp (Cyprinus carpio) ranged from 224 to 586 and 256 to 709 at concentrations of 20 ug/L and 2 ug/L, respectively(1). According to a classification scheme(2), these BCFs suggest the potential for bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is high(SRC).

12.4 Mobility in soil

The Koc of chlorobenzilate is estimated as 1,500(SRC), using a log Kow of 4.74(1) and a regression-derived equation(2). According to a classification scheme(3), this estimated Koc value suggests that chlorobenzilate is expected to have low mobility in soil. Kd values of 26 and 7.6 have been reported for Lukang and Pincheng soils, respectively, at 20°C; at 40°C, the Kd values reported were 41 and 5.3, respectively(4).

12.5 Other adverse effects

no data available

13.Disposal considerations

13.1 Disposal methods


The material can be disposed of by removal to a licensed chemical destruction plant or by controlled incineration with flue gas scrubbing. Do not contaminate water, foodstuffs, feed or seed by storage or disposal. Do not discharge to sewer systems.

Contaminated packaging

Containers can be triply rinsed (or equivalent) and offered for recycling or reconditioning. Alternatively, the packaging can be punctured to make it unusable for other purposes and then be disposed of in a sanitary landfill. Controlled incineration with flue gas scrubbing is possible for combustible packaging materials.

14.Transport information

14.1 UN Number

ADR/RID: UN1593 IMDG: UN1593 IATA: UN1593

14.2 UN Proper Shipping Name


14.3 Transport hazard class(es)

ADR/RID: 6.1 IMDG: 6.1 IATA: 6.1

14.4 Packing group, if applicable


14.5 Environmental hazards

ADR/RID: yes IMDG: yes IATA: yes

14.6 Special precautions for user

no data available

14.7 Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code

no data available

15.Regulatory information

15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations specific for the product in question

Chemical name Common names and synonyms CAS number EC number
chlorobenzilate chlorobenzilate 510-15-6 none
European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS) Listed.
EC Inventory Listed.
United States Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory Listed.
China Catalog of Hazardous chemicals 2015 Listed.
New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals (NZIoC) Not Listed.
Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances (PICCS) Not Listed.
Vietnam National Chemical Inventory Not Listed.
Chinese Chemical Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances (China IECSC) Not Listed.

16.Other information

Information on revision

Creation Date Aug 13, 2017
Revision Date Aug 13, 2017

Abbreviations and acronyms

  • CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service
  • ADR: European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
  • RID: Regulation concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail
  • IMDG: International Maritime Dangerous Goods
  • IATA: International Air Transportation Association
  • TWA: Time Weighted Average
  • STEL: Short term exposure limit
  • LC50: Lethal Concentration 50%
  • LD50: Lethal Dose 50%
  • EC50: Effective Concentration 50%


  • IPCS - The International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC), website: http://www.ilo.org/dyn/icsc/showcard.home
  • HSDB - Hazardous Substances Data Bank, website: https://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/newtoxnet/hsdb.htm
  • IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer, website: http://www.iarc.fr/
  • eChemPortal - The Global Portal to Information on Chemical Substances by OECD, website: http://www.echemportal.org/echemportal/index?pageID=0&request_locale=en
  • CAMEO Chemicals, website: http://cameochemicals.noaa.gov/search/simple
  • ChemIDplus, website: http://chem.sis.nlm.nih.gov/chemidplus/chemidlite.jsp
  • ERG - Emergency Response Guidebook by U.S. Department of Transportation, website: http://www.phmsa.dot.gov/hazmat/library/erg
  • Germany GESTIS-database on hazard substance, website: http://www.dguv.de/ifa/gestis/gestis-stoffdatenbank/index-2.jsp
  • ECHA - European Chemicals Agency, website: https://echa.europa.eu/

Disclaimer: The above information is believed to be correct but does not purport to be all inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. The information in this document is based on the present state of our knowledge and is applicable to the product with regard to appropriate safety precautions. It does not represent any guarantee of the properties of the product. We as supplier shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from handling or from contact with the above product.
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    Version 1.3
    Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006

    1 - Product and Company Information

    Product Name        CHLOROBENZILATE, 1X1ML, CH2CL2, 200UG/ML    

    2 - Hazards Identification

    May cause cancer. Possible risk of harm to the unborn child. May
    cause sensitization by skin contact. Irritating to eyes,
    respiratory system and skin. Toxic by inhalation, in contact with
    skin and if swallowed.

    3 - Composition/Information on Ingredients

    Product Name        CAS #        EC no        Annex I    
    Index Number
    CHLOROBENZILATE SOLUTION        None        None        None    
    Ingredient Name        Percent CAS #        EC no        Annex I    
    Index Number
    METHANE, DICHLORO-        >= 99.98 75-09-2        200-838-9        602-004-00-3    
    <= 100
    Carc. Cat.3
    Symbols: Xn
    R-Phrases: 40
    Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect.
    CHLOROBENZENE-D(5), * <= 0.02 3114-55-4 221-482-0 602-033-00-1
    (ATOM % D)
    Symbols: Xn-N
    R-Phrases: 10-20-51/53
    Flammable. Harmful by inhalation. Toxic to aquatic organisms, may
    cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.

    4 - First Aid Measures

    If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing give
    artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.
    SUPELCO        www.molbase.com    
    In case of skin contact, flush with copious amounts of water for
    at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes.
    Call a physician.
    In case of contact with eyes, flush with copious amounts of
    water for at least 15 minutes. Assure adequate flushing by
    separating the eyelids with fingers. Call a physician.
    If swallowed, wash out mouth with water provided person is
    conscious. Call a physician immediately.

    5 - Fire Fighting Measures

    Suitable: For small (incipient) fires, use media such as
    "alcohol" foam, dry chemical, or carbon dioxide. For large
    fires, apply water from as far as possible. Use very large
    quantities (flooding) of water applied as a mist or spray; solid
    streams of water may be ineffective. Cool all affected
    containers with flooding quantities of water.
    Specific Hazard(s): Emits toxic fumes under fire conditions.
    Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing
    to prevent contact with skin and eyes.

    6 - Accidental Release Measures

    Evacuate area.
    Wear self-contained breathing apparatus, rubber boots, and heavy
    rubber gloves. Wear disposable coveralls and discard them after
    Absorb on sand or vermiculite and place in closed containers for
    disposal. Ventilate area and wash spill site after material
    pickup is complete.

    7 - Handling and Storage

    Directions for Safe Handling: Do not breathe vapor. Do not get
    in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated
    exposure. For protection and handling requirements consult CFR
    title 29 part 1910.1052.
    Conditions of Storage: Keep tightly closed. Store in a cool dry
    place. Store under nitrogen.
    SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Heat sensitive.

    SUPELCO        www.molbase.com    
    8 - Exposure Controls / Personal Protection

    Use only in a chemical fume hood. Safety shower and eye bath.
    Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Wash thoroughly after
    Respiratory Protection: Use respirators and components tested and
    approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US)
    or CEN (EU). Use supplied-air or SCBA respirators. Europe permits
    the use of type AXBEK full-face cartridge respirators (EN 14387).
    Hand Protection: Compatible chemical-resistant gloves.
    Eye Protection: Chemical safety goggles.

    9 - Physical and Chemical Properties

    Appearance        Physical State: Liquid    
    Property        Value        At Temperature or Pressure    
    pH N/A
    BP/BP Range        N/A    
    MP/MP Range        N/A    
    Flash Point        N/A    
    Flammability        N/A    
    Autoignition Temp        N/A    
    Oxidizing Properties N/A
    Explosive Properties N/A
    Explosion Limits        N/A    
    Vapor Pressure        N/A    
    Partition Coefficient N/A
    Viscosity        N/A    
    Vapor Density        N/A    
    Saturated Vapor Conc. N/A
    Evaporation Rate        N/A    
    Bulk Density        N/A    
    Decomposition Temp.        N/A    
    Solvent Content        N/A    
    Water Content        N/A    
    Surface Tension        N/A    
    Conductivity        N/A    
    Miscellaneous Data        N/A    
    Solubility        N/A    

    10 - Stability and Reactivity

    Stable: Stable.
    Conditions to Avoid: Heat.
    Materials to Avoid: Alkali metals, Aluminum.
    Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide,
    Hydrogen chloride gas, Phosgene gas.
    Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur
    SUPELCO        www.molbase.com    

    11 - Toxicological Information

    Pulmonary edema. Effects may be delayed. Conjunctivitis.
    Convulsions. Somnolence. Irregular breathing. Ingestion can
    cause gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, and vomiting.
    Weakness. Drowsiness. Increased liver enzymes. Paresthesia.
    Dichloromethane is metabolized in the body producing carbon
    monoxide which increases and sustains carboxyhemoglobin levels
    in the blood, reducing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the
    blood. A simple asphyxiant, exposure can cause anesthetic
    action, difficulty in breathing, headache, and dizziness.
    Prolonged or repeated contact with skin can cause defatting and
    dermatitis. Contact with eyes can cause redness, tearing, and
    blurred vision. Ingestion may cause gastrointestinal irritation.
    CNS depression.
    Skin Contact: Causes skin irritation.
    Skin Absorption: May be harmful if absorbed through the skin.
    Eye Contact: Causes eye irritation.
    Inhalation: Material is irritating to mucous membranes and upper
    respiratory tract. May be harmful if inhaled.
    Ingestion: Harmful if swallowed.
    Target organ: central nervous system because of possible
    dizziness, headache, loss of consciousness and death at high
    concentrations. Liver. Pancreas. Blood. Target organ: heart
    because methylene chloride is converted to carbon monoxide in
    the body.
    Existing data suggests that methylene chloride may be a weak
    mutagen in mammalian systems.
    Result: This is or contains a component that has been reported
    to be carcinogenic based on its IARC, OSHA, ACGIH, NTP, or EPA
    Result: Possible risk of congenital malformation in the fetus.

    12 - Ecological Information

    No data available.

    13 - Disposal Considerations

    Contact a licensed professional waste disposal service to dispose
    of this material. Observe all federal, state, and local
    environmental regulations.

    14 - Transport Information

    UN#: 1593
    SUPELCO        www.molbase.com    
    Class: 6.1
    PG: III
    Proper Shipping Name: Dichloromethane
    UN#: 1593
    Class: 6.1
    PG: III
    Proper Shipping Name: Dichloromethane
    Marine Pollutant: No
    Severe Marine Pollutant: No
    UN#: 1593
    Class: 6.1
    PG: III
    Proper Shipping Name: Dichloromethane
    Inhalation Packing Group I: No

    15 - Regulatory Information

    R-PHRASES: 45-63-43-36/37/38-23/24/25
    May cause cancer. Possible risk of harm to the unborn child.
    May cause sensitization by skin contact. Irritating to eyes,
    respiratory system and skin. Toxic by inhalation, in contact
    with skin and if swallowed.
    S-PHRASES: 23-36/37-24/25
    Do not breathe vapor. Wear suitable protective clothing and
    gloves. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
    Caution: Substance not yet fully tested (EU).
    WGK: 2

    16 - Other Information

    The above information is believed to be correct but does not
    purport to be all inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. The
    information in this document is based on the present state of our
    knowledge and is applicable to the product with regard to
    appropriate safety precautions. It does not represent any
    guarantee of the properties of the product. Inc.,
    shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from handling or
    from contact with the above product. See reverse side of invoice
    or packing slip for additional terms and conditions of sale.
    Copyright 2010 Co. License granted to make
    unlimitedpaper copies for internal use only.
    For R&D use only. Not for drug, household or other uses.
    SUPELCO        www.molbase.com    



NMR Spectrum 1H NMR : Predict
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Analysis Methods

Van Den Dool and Kratz RI, non-polar column, temperature ramp
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Column Shape
Active Phase(℃)
Retention index
Temperature Control
temperature ramp
N2, 6. K/min; Column length: 12. m; Column diameter: 0.53 mm; T<sub>start</sub>: 120. C; T<sub>end</sub>: 250. C
Oyama, N.Sano, T.Syoyama, M.Maeda, K.Studies on systematic analysis of poisonous compounds in forensic chemistry. II. Application of capillary column gas chromatography to substance identification by means of retention indicesEisei Kagaku1987, 33, 5, 342-348.
Normal alkane RI, non-polar column, custom temperature program
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Column Shape
Active Phase(℃)
5 % Phenyl methyl siloxane
Retention index
Temperature Control
custom temperature program
30. m/0.25 mm/0.25 μm, Helium; Program: 50 0C(1 min) <sup> </sup>25 0C/min -&gt; 125 0C <sup> </sup>10 0C/min -&gt; 300 0C (10 min)
Department of Food Safety, Ministry of HealthWelfareAnalytical methods for residual compositional substances of agricultural chemicals, feed aadditives, and veterinary drugs in foods2006, retrieved from http://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/topics/foodsafety/positivelist060228/de/060526-1a.pdf.
Normal alkane RI, non-polar column, custom temperature program
expand collapse
Column Shape
Active Phase(℃)
5 % Phenyl methyl siloxane
Retention index
Temperature Control
custom temperature program
30. m/0.25 mm/0.25 μm, Helium; Program: 50 0C(1 min) <sup> </sup>25 0C/min -&gt; 125 0C <sup> </sup>10 0C/min -&gt; 300 0C (10 min)
Department of Food Safety, Ministry of HealthWelfareAnalytical methods for residual compositional substances of agricultural chemicals, feed aadditives, and veterinary drugs in foods2006, retrieved from http://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/topics/foodsafety/positivelist060228/de/060526-1a.pdf.
Normal alkane RI, polar column, custom temperature program
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Column Shape
Active Phase(℃)
Carbowax 20M
Retention index
Temperature Control
custom temperature program
Program: not specified
Tameo, O.Kiyos, I.Simultaneous determination of pesticides by capillary gas chromatographyCannot be traslated (in Japan)1991, 14, 2, 109-122.
Lee's RI, non-polar column, temperature ramp
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Column Shape
Active Phase(℃)
Retention index
Temperature Control
temperature ramp
30. m/0.25 mm/0.5 μm, 40. C @ 1. min, 10. K/min; T<sub>end</sub>: 310. C
Chen, P.H.Keeran, W.S.Van Ausdale, W.A.Schindler, D.R.Roberts, D.W.Application of Lee retention indices to the confirmation of tentatively identified compounds from GC/MS analysis of environmental samplesTechnical paper, Analytical Services Division, Environmental ScienceEngineering, Inc, PO Box 1703, Gainesville, FL 32602, 2002, 11.

Synthesis Route

Downstream Product


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Type of Test
Open irritation test
Exposure Route
Administration onto the skin
Species Observed
Rodent - rabbit
125 mg
Toxic Effects
Ciba-Geigy Toxicology Data/Indexes. (Ciba-Geigy Corp., 556 Morris Ave., Summit, NJ 07901) Volume(issue)/page/year: -,-,1977
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Type of Test
Standard Draize test
Exposure Route
Administration into the eye
Species Observed
Rodent - rabbit
25 mg
Toxic Effects
Ciba-Geigy Toxicology Data/Indexes. (Ciba-Geigy Corp., 556 Morris Ave., Summit, NJ 07901) Volume(issue)/page/year: -,-,1977
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Type of Test
LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill
Exposure Route
Species Observed
Rodent - rat
700 mg/kg
Toxic Effects
Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value--
World Review of Pest Control. (London, UK) V.1-10, 1962-71. Discontinued. Volume(issue)/page/year: 9,119,1970

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